Early this morning, towel animals invaded the Lido pool, unannounced.
We missed a unique event this morning by the Lido Pool on our final sea day before Halifax, Bar Harbor, and then back home in Boston.
Towel Animals Invaded the Lido Pool
Without any notice in the Daily Program, before or during the event, the cabin stewards created dozens of towel animals and placed them on the loungers and around the pool area.
Fortunately, our friend Susan came across the display and took some great pictures which are posted below:
Later in the day, there was another unadvertised pop up event – a Bartender juggling demonstration. This was at 2 pm at one end of the Lido Pool. We were having a late lunch on the upper deck near NY Pizza and we spotted some crew setting up video cameras near our table. They told us there was going to be a demonstration by the bartenders. Fortunately we were perfectly positioned by the railing overlooking the Lido pool and were able to enjoy the show.

The show was about 20 minutes and was displayed live on the large screen above the demonstration.

The bartenders posed for group photo before the show started.
Captain Barhorst was on the World Stage this afternoon for a 1 hour Q & A session. He showed a 20-minute video taking us behind the scenes to various parts of the ship and spent the rest of the hour answering questions. The cruise director emphasized at the start that the questions were limited to technical questions. The theater was about 95% full and most of the questions were about icebergs and the challenge of navigating the North Atlantic.

Captain Eric Barhorst
This evening was our fourth and final Gala Night. I had expected a lobster tail to finally make an appearance and was a little disappointed to discover that the main entrée was a filet mignon with grilled shrimp. It was very good, and while I am not a huge lobster fan, I was more interested in seeing if there would be any complimentary lobster served on this 24-day cruise and as it turned out – there wasn’t.
Step One Dance Company performed Tandem – their third show of the cruise. This performance featured one of the singers from the BB King group who sang several songs during the show.

Step One Dance Company closing the show “Tandem”