Let’s Circle Australia!
After the daily meteorological and navigational update the Captain said he would be back on after Hamish’s activity update. This gave the Captain a chance to broadcast news of our second schedule change into all the cabins rather than only the public areas. Rumors of a new schedule were already rampant.
Sri Lanka is refusing entry to cruise ships and India wouldn’t grant a group visa insisting that everyone get E-Visas, which would be too unwieldy for this many passengers while at sea. Consequently they cancelled all Sri Lanka ports and Mumbai. We will now continue to circle Australia adding 4 more Australian ports. Here are the highlights
Broome – March 19
Exmouth – March 21
Geraldton – March 23
Freemantle (Perth) – March 24/25
7 Sea days until
La Possession, Reunion – April 2

Here is the letter we received along with the revised list of activities.
New Itinerary at a glance HERE
Worried about the lack of updates, but hoping that you and Judy are safe and healthy!
We’re fine….working on catching up. Thanks for following