Timbits, Titantic, and Yarn combined with a little chocolate for an enjoyable Halifax port visit.
Overcast skies with a little rain greeted us as we moored at the downtown Halifax cruise terminal.
Our travel agent, Craft Cruises, arranged for an excursion to visit several yarn shops and the Fairview Lawn Cemetery where many of the people who died on the Titanic were buried. The Titanic sunk about 700 miles east of Halifax on April 15th, 1912

The ship moors in a very convenient location, right at the end of a very touristy boardwalk with a lot of shops, restaurants, and museums. The Citadel is a little over a mile away, but it’s all uphill.
Our group met in the Billboard Lounge around 9:30 am and we headed off the ship as a group to find our bus. We were on the road around 10 AM to our first stop; Handmaiden Yarns,
Handmaiden Yarns is not a retail outlet and they are not open to the public. The only visitors allowed are prearranged groups. They are located on the edge of a residential area and the business was a house converted into their dye workshop, drying rooms, offices, and display area. Check out their website to see where their yarn is available in retail outlets.

Judy with Laurie who dyed this lovely bundle of silk, merino and baby camel green yarn.

Yolanda demonstrated the dye process in the studio space at Handmaiden Yarns.
After we arrived we divided into two groups of about 10 knitters each. While the first group was getting a tour of their dyeing studio, the other group had a chance to shop for yarn in one of the rooms set up as a display. Judy had wanted to break her trend and NOT buy yarn that was the same color of the top she was wearing, but that didn’t last long.
We spent about an hour here before getting back on the bus and heading over to LK Yarns, which was only a block away.
LK Yarns is in a nice area with a few restaurants and cafes nearby.

Judy outside LK Yarns showing off her purchase of a cake of yarn to knit a quick baby blanket.
After we left LK Yarn we headed over to Fairview cemetery to see the Titanic grave sites.

There are 121 people from the Titanic buried here at Fairview lawn cemetery.

There is a lot of interest in seeing Jack Dawon’s grave, who was made famous from the movie Titantic.
Our final Yarn Shop was The Loop

Judy showing off the pink HandMaiden Sea Silk and the mini ball of Teenie Weenie Wool she bought at The Loop
We did some window shopping as we headed to Tim Hortons which was at one end of the waterfront boardwalk.

Don’t pass up a chance to get some Timbits whenever you see a Tim Hortons!

Here is the downtown Halifax area, zoomed in a little so you can see some of the tourist attractions in the area.

The best way to ensure that everyone will climb this sculpture was to place a big. Do Not Climb sign at the base.

This shop has a nice selection of chocolates.

Here are the Drunken Light posts, very near the Bicycle Thief restaurant.

We stopped here for a quick bite before heading back to the ship

The Lobster Roll at the Bicycle Thief was delicious!

This sculpture, near the entrance to the cruise terminal, commemorates the story of immigration in Halifax.

We stopped for one last pictures in The Red Chairs, with the Nieuw Statendam in the background. You will find these Red Chairs and various tourist spots throughout Canada. Photo by Tim Bowman @Btimmer