Spent the day catching up with the blog then a quick spin through the Falmouth tourist area
We arrived around 10 am and moored in the Falmouth Tourist Area. This is a secure enclave of shops and restaurants that contains only screened vendors.

Approaching Falmouth at 10 AM – The Caribbean Princess is already moored.

View of the tourist area from our verandah
I spent most of the day catching up on my blog posts – I have learned that if I fall behind, it is almost impossible to catch up.

This sign shows the taxi fares from the port to various tourist areas
You can download a copy of my pre-cruise port brief HERE

Here is the secure entrance and exit to the Falmouth tourist area
I went ashore around 4:45 – with the all aboard at 5:30, I had to move fast. I quickly walked around the shops in the tourist area and bought a T-shirt and a Robin Ruth Jamaica Bag. Then it was back to the ship at 5:30. I wasn’t the last onboard as another tour was still on the way back.

Retail Directory as of 5 Jan 2023
The Sail Away Party was lightly attended, and waiters passed out Watermelon Gaspacho.

Watermelon Gaspacho

Had fun with Lydia, Sheryl and Roxanne at the Sail Away
The 2023 World Cruise T-shirts were on sale in the shops – and they usually go quickly – so we picked up a couple while they were still available.
Steven Scott was the featured entertainer tonight – He was very funny and we enjoyed the show.
Here is the YouTube Short for today:
Thanks for sharing your adventures through your blog. It tickles my heart to follow along on your journey. When we were in Falmouth we stayed in the tourist area and shopped. We enjoyed eating nachos and people watching at Margaritaville.
What a delight reading the daily menus you have posted. I find my self salivating at all the delicious choices. I agree, we could all do with smaller portions and request more if desired. Love that about HAL.
Hi. Love following your travels. I will be in Falmouth next month. Hoping to find a Starbucks as I collect country mugs. I don’t suppose you happened to see one did you?
Thank you
No – I didn’t leave the tourist enclave – Sorry!
Your sacrifice of time you could have spent in Falmouth is a great benefit to us. Thank you! I’m playing some Bob Marley in your honor 😊
Thanks! I feel the good vibes from here