While not as popular as the Hei Pupu (little shell) necklace class yesterday, the Polynesian Cultural Ambassadors held a Polynesian Fitness and Exercise Class at 9 AM by the Lido pool. I stopped by to check out the action. There were about 30 people having a great time learning some new ways to stay fit.
Polynesian Cultural Ambassadors lead the morning exercise class
Scott Harris, the comedian from last night, was the guest at Coffee Chat this morning. He is performing exclusively on Holland America ships and is a good fit for the typical HAL audience on longer cruises. Originally a DJ in Toronto, he broke into Comedy after about 10 years working in radio. He recalled several humorous anecdotes. The one he told about meeting the singer Tom Jones backstage was particularly entertaining. He is a nice guy who puts on a wonderful show.
Scott Harris at Coffee Chat
ABBA FAB was featured on the Mainstage this evening. This ABBA Tribute show is always outstanding, and we have seen it many times over the years on different ships. TAD management, which produces the show, now has 3 ABBA FAB’s touring the world so there is a good chance you may be able to find one performing near you.
Hollie and Kathryn are dancing queens!
We miss the original cast of Terry, Ann, Kat and Scottie, but the new team of Chris, Matt, Hollie and Kathryn are fabulous and put on a wonderful show. Some of their luggage did not make their connecting flight, so they were missing a few of their costumes and platform shoes, but I didn’t notice until they mentioned something during the show.
Hollie and Kathryn
They performed all the favorites from Dancing Queen to Mama Mia. One of the new performers, Hollie Cavanagh, is originally from Liverpool England. She finished 4th in the 11th season of American Idol.