Day 40, Polynesian Cultural Ambassadors
Cold weather is behind us as we head toward the South Pacific. We will be putting our heavier jackets and sweaters under the bed for the rest of the cruise.
The Polynesian Cultural Ambassadors are onboard leading a variety of activities. This team is found on most HAL South Pacific cruises. We have seen them many times before as we head toward Hawaii or Tahiti. They give lectures, teach crafts, dancing, Ukulele and host a variety of other activities.
Craft classes are always popular on the World Cruise and any craft class making something from the South Pacific is especially in demand. When I spotted the “Hei Pupu” necklace class that would start at 9 AM by the Lido pool, I knew I would have to get there early to ensure a spot. Leaving nothing to chance, I arrived at 8 AM, a full hour early, and I was the very first person.

As it turned out, they had about 150 kits which was plenty for the group that finally assembled and even people who arrived at the last second were able to find a spot off to the side and get a kit.

Making the necklace is pretty simple. Our kit had about 100 small shells, in three different colors, along with a length of ribbon, two blonde kukui nuts and a short piece of florist’s wire to use as a needle. They suggested alternating shell colors in groups of three, but people were free to create whatever pattern they chose. Once we started, it went pretty quickly, and the bulk of the people were done in less than 15 minutes.

After we finished, I hurried off to Coffee Chat with Cellar Master Jacques as the special guest. Jacques hails from South Africa and is looking forward to our visit to Cape Town later in the cruise. He started working for Holland America as a wine steward and worked his way up to his current position. Holland America was very supportive of his career development and paid for several courses he needed to gain additional qualifications as a sommelier .

Easter Island is a few days off, and the buzz is starting to pick up about the prospects of our ability to successfully tender all the guests ashore. To help get everyone in the mood, The Shops held a sale out in the Atrium of Easter Island logo merchandise.

Comedian, Scott Harris, was the featured performer on the Mainstage. He puts on a wonderful show with humor targeted for the prevailing World Cruise demographic of 65+. He also has a nice voice which he put on display by closing his show with a beautiful rendition of “The Sounds of Silence”. He sings it straight which I only realized after a few minutes, because I was expecting some parody lyrics since he is a comedian after all.

We saw Coleen and Jesse Kazemek after the show and they were very friendly and we chatted for a bit. We have seen their show 8 times over the years, and it keeps getting better.