by The Inside Cabin | Aug 8, 2017 | 2017 Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam, Edinburgh, Scotland, Europe, Great Britain, Knitting
This is post 11 of 14 in the series “2017 Craft Cruises Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam” 2017 CRAFT CRUISES CELTIC ADVENTURE – ms ZUIDERDAM Day -1 Pre-Cruise in Copenhagen Denmark Day 0, Copenhagen, Denmark Day 1, Cruising the North Sea en route...
by The Inside Cabin | Aug 6, 2017 | 2017 Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam, Europe, Great Britain, Greenock (Glasgow), Scotland, Knitting
This is post 9 of 14 in the series “2017 Craft Cruises Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam” 2017 CRAFT CRUISES CELTIC ADVENTURE – ms ZUIDERDAM Day -1 Pre-Cruise in Copenhagen Denmark Day 0, Copenhagen, Denmark Day 1, Cruising the North Sea en route...
by The Inside Cabin | Aug 5, 2017 | 2017 Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam, Europe, Great Britain, Knitting, Liverpool
This is post 8 of 14 in the series “2017 Craft Cruises Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam” 2017 CRAFT CRUISES CELTIC ADVENTURE – ms ZUIDERDAM Day -1 Pre-Cruise in Copenhagen Denmark Day 0, Copenhagen, Denmark Day 1, Cruising the North Sea en route...
by The Inside Cabin | Aug 2, 2017 | 2017 Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam, Belfast, Northern Ireland, Europe, Great Britain
This is post 6 of 14 in the series “2017 Craft Cruises Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam” 2017 CRAFT CRUISES CELTIC ADVENTURE – ms ZUIDERDAM Day -1 Pre-Cruise in Copenhagen Denmark Day 0, Copenhagen, Denmark Day 1, Cruising the North Sea en route...
by The Inside Cabin | Aug 1, 2017 | 2017 Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam, Europe, Great Britain, Portree, Scotland
This is post 5 of 14 in the series “2017 Craft Cruises Celtic Adventure - HAL Zuiderdam” 2017 CRAFT CRUISES CELTIC ADVENTURE – ms ZUIDERDAM Day -1 Pre-Cruise in Copenhagen Denmark Day 0, Copenhagen, Denmark Day 1, Cruising the North Sea en route...
by The Inside Cabin | Sep 1, 2016 | 2016 Queen Mary 2 Crossing, Europe, Great Britain, Southampton
This is post 3 of 12 in the series “2016 QM2 Crossing” Day 1, Queen Mary 2, Hamburg, Germany Day 2, Sailing toward Southampton Day 3, Southampton, England Day 4, Sailing toward New York City Day 5, Sailing toward New York Day 6, Sailing toward New York...