The Inside Cabin
HAL 2023 Map with text 2

2020 Grand World Voyage

Day 22, Montevideo

Click “Show More Posts” to show all the links to the other posts for the 2020 World Cruise Day 22, Montevideo Only 50 miles from Buenos Aires, we slowly crept toward Montevideo all night before arriving early this morning.   I should’ve paid more attention to the notice about the water being turned off at…

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Day 21, Back Home

Click “Show More Posts” to show all the links to the other posts for the 2020 World Cruise Day 21, Buenos Aires For the first time in the last few days, we didn’t have to get up early.  We enjoyed sleeping in and ordering a late room service breakfast.  The Glu’s breakfast menu has scrambled…

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Day 20, Walking to Buenos Aires?

Click “Show More Posts” to show all the links to the other posts for the 2020 World Cruise Day 20 –Walking to Buenos Aires? IGUAZU FALLS Today was going to be an uneventful and relaxing day, with a midday flight back to Buenos Aires and nothing planned until our Food and Tango Tour later this…

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Day 16, Rio!

Click “Show More Posts” to show all the links to the other posts for the 2020 World Cruise Day 16 Rio de Janeiro – Day 1 It was much lighter at 5 AM than I expected when my phone started playing its musical tones waking me from a sound sleep.  For a moment, I forgot…

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Day 15, Selfies at Sea

Click “Show More Posts” to show all the links to the other posts for the 2020 World Cruise Day 15, COFFEE CHAT Tim Abel hails from Sherwood Forest in England.  He started playing piano seriously when he was about 13.  His father was interested in Ragtime and that style was his favorite and he enjoyed…

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Day 14, Gold, Glitz and Gleam

Click “Show More Posts” to show all the links to the other posts for the 2020 World Cruise Day 14 At Sea COFFEE CHAT Lee Bradley, the wonderful tenor who performed last night, was the guest during this morning’s Coffee Chat.  He taught himself how to sing by listening to Pavarotti CDs in his bedroom. …

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Day 13, Recife, Brazil

Click “Show More Posts” to show all the links to the other posts for the 2020 World Cruise Day 13 Recife, Brazil The sound of a nearby motorboat caught my attention early this morning as I was enjoying my coffee.  I stepped out on the verandah to spot the Recife pilot boat maneuvering close aboard…

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