We meet our neighbors during the first Block Party of the voyage
The first Cruise Critic Meet and Greet is tomorrow. Kim Pollock worked over the last month to print and prepare nametags for over 280 people who have been talking online about the cruise on Cruise Critic for over two years. A Meet and Greet is a chance for people to meet face to face, often for the first time.

Shelly, Kim, Di and Craig met in the Billboard Bar to assemble the nametags that Kim printed.
One of the most popular activities is Arts and Crafts, led by Nancy Grace and Cathy Decker. The class meets daily at 2:30 and has become so popular that it has been divided into three groups of about 100 guests each. Each group meets every third sea day. There wasn’t a class today, but everyone signed up and picked the group they wanted to be in.

Linda (c) and Bonita (r) with other crafters waiting to register for crafts

About 300 guests registered for the craft classes
The Block Party was the highlight of our day. At 4 pm, members of the bar staff assembled on each floor and prepared bottles of champagne, wine and soft drinks. Room stewards and other crewmembers walked up and down the hallways filling glasses provided by the guests from their rooms. This encourages everyone to get out of their rooms and socialize with their neighbors. Senior officers made speed runs covering all the passenger decks in less than the one hour set aside for the event.

Bar staff work in the crew area between the hallways on each floor opening bottles and handing them to the room stewards who served the guests in the hallways.

George, Food and Beverage Director, stopped by to chat

Jeanette and Debra enjoying some Doritos

Jeanette had some wool yarn to give Project Linus, but they can only use acrylic, so Judy was happy to accept the donation.
It was fun meeting all the neighbors, and we look forward to this monthly event.

Cruise and Travel Director, Kimberly, introduced vocalist Camila Andrade
Vocalist Camila Andrade was the featured performer on the World Stage. She sang a variety of music in different genres from Blues, Pop and Jazz including Carmen Miranda’s Chico, Chico and crowd favorites “Girl from Ipanema” and “Route 66”.

Camila Andrade
It’s all very exciting..so happy for you both
Thanks for following!
We loved the Block Party on the Grand South America cruise we just completed. We board the Oosterdam tomorrow for Antarctica.
Have a great cruise!
Enjoying your blog. Can’t wait to read more. Looking forward to meeting you on the Alaska Solstice cruise.
Thanks – we are looking forward to that cruise very much
I’m enjoying following you virtually since I couldn’t be their in person. Have a great time!
We miss you! Hope to see you on another cruise soon!