2026 World Cruise Survey Released
2026 World Cruise Survey released
The itinerary for the 2026 World Cruise is expected to be released in April 2024. As per past practice, Holland America solicits guest input from a survey sent out in January. I have included the five different options they requested feedback on here. They are accepting $100 Future Cruise placeholder deposits now onboard. This registers your interest and gives you a priority on your cabin selection. The standard deposit amount will be due in May 2024.
2026 World Cruise Ship remains unknown
The ship they plan to use for this cruise has not been announced. Nor was it announced if they plan another competing Grand Voyage of similar length as they are doing in 2025 with the Circumnavigation World Cruise competing with the Pole to Pole.
New York, New York?
A question asked on all itineraries was whether or not a departure from New York City would play a factor in our selection decision.
East Bound ending in San Diego
Option E is the most unusual as it goes east and ends in San Diego
Please let me know your choice in the comments!
You can download a PDF Verison HERE
Thanks for posting the survey
My vote is B
Just found this now. I would do D, the others pretty much do the same itinerary. Would not like to start in Ft Lauderdale and end in San Diego. Problem with D is it goes up the suez, which may not be possible, but that is still two years off. Thank you for publishing.