Hotel GM, Henk Mensink, was the guest at Coffee Chat. He speculates on the likely 2025 World Cruise Itinerary.
Hotel General Manager, Henk Mensink, was Ian’s guest at Coffee Chat this morning. The Rolling Stone Lounge was filled with only a few seats remaining once Ian welcomed Henk and opened the discussion.
Henk briefly discussed his early career with Ritz Carlton in Boston and working in a family furniture business in California.
Henk recalled how he met his wife, Christel, who is not sailing with him for the first time in years but is remaining in the Netherlands to help care for her ailing mother. Henk met Christel, who was working is a men’s clothing store, when he was shopping for a new suit. He found reasons to make multiple return trips to purchase various accessories for his suit, and one thing led to another, and they remain happily married after many years. Henk mentioned that he still owns the jacket!
Henk described the current challenges for this World Cruise, with the most significant being keeping the supply chain in place for the myriad goods and services necessary to support a World Cruise.
Henk left his tandem bicycle at home since Christel is not here to ride it with him on this cruise but he is getting more time practicing with his guitar.
While not officially announced, Henk speculated that the 2025 world cruise will start a little later in January of 2025 and go Pole to Pole.

The Pole to Pole option is considered the favorite at this point for the 2025 World Cruise

Here is the detailed Pole to Pole itinerary – Note that this cruise will start Jan 25th and end June 7th
You can download a file with all the 2025 World Cruise Options that were considered HERE
- Option A
- Option B
- Option C
Henk promised to return to Coffee Chat about once a month on this World Cruise.
The Zuiderdam Singers and Dancers performed “Encore” to another standing ovation.

Michael Roach

Kiana Bell, Michael Roach, Sveva Petruzzellis and Cole Cloutier
We will be in Tonga tomorrow.
Peter how exciting to hear about the 2025 world cruise. Do you know when it will be final and available to book? We are very interested in Pole to Pole but the others are nice too.
You can probably make a mini deposit now – to get your first is line – or to line up a specific cabin. It will probably be bookable in May or June of this year.