We had a chance to look at four different options for the 2022 World Cruise. The final routing will probably be released in April 2020. Tell me in the comments which is your favorite!
OPTION 1 – South Pacific, Africa, Scandinavia

OPTION 2 – South America/Antarctica, South Pacific, Red Sea and Mediterranean

OPTION 3, South Pacific, Asia, Africa, Red Sea and Mediterranean

OPTION 4 – Eastbound Africa start? Then Antarctica, South Pacific, Red Sea, Mediterranean

I like option #1. We’ve visited much of the southern hemisphere on prior cruises. We’re on the Grand Africa later this year.
Option 1 is very popular so far
Thank you for sharing your adventures. It is exciting to follow along. I would choose Option #1.
Thanks for you comment! We like the new ports for us in Europe
We like this one as it goes south around Australia and then to the Eastern Med
Option #3.
I like option #2 I have been to most of the South Pacific but still would choose this option. Would like to see Antarctica.
Option 2 is similar to this cruise, except return thru the med. Nice itinerary!
I like option #2 because it includes a number of days in Antarctica
I also like #1. Part of South Africa West Africa Canary Islands. Also liked stops in Scottish Isles and the Azores. I would be a segment cruiser and this is the one I picked on the survey.
We like option 1 – there are lots of new ports for us
I like option #1 and #4 – unfortunately I’m still working so I won’t be onboard no matter which itinerary wins 😉
Thanks for your comment! Happy cruising on some shorter itineraries!
First thank you for posting ..It’s so interesting to see your maps and how you have everything planned out. You dont seem to be teaching knitting this year–this gives you more time at the ports..
Very enjoyable.
I like Option 3.
Judy is still knitting up a storm, but no teaching this cruise. We are still doing some yarn crawls. We will do one in Auckland and Sydney
I like Option #2.
There is no way they will do option #4. Think of the waste of fuel transiting the Atlantic 3 times.
Yes, plus everyone hates going east!
Interesting. HAL’s questionnaire sent to those of us on previous WCs, had a different order! Your #4 was our #1 ( and was our first choice to take, also.) Your #1 was our #2.
I hope they don’t go by the number of the itinerary we all chose, since it would be different depending on whether you voted on the ship or by email!
The schedules we saw were not numbered. I did that afterwards. They probably ransomize the order to prevent the first one people see getting the most attention. Plus I don’t think you can back up on the survey, Once you click the page its gone!
Thanks for posting, we like 1, then 3, then, 2, then 4
#1 would be my choice. It seems much different from past cruises.
I like option #1…love Africa, British Isles and Scandinavia…Thanks so much for giving us a fantastic window into your travels. I enjoy reading your blog so very much!
Option 2! Since I am still dreaming about a world cruise I like Easter Island, Antarctica, and the Suez Canal.
I would pick Option #1.
Thoroughly enjoying your blog. Thanks for posting.
I like #1 or # 3 —
Option 1. I love Norway.
#1 would be my choice, although I’d happily take any of them!
Option #1 looks most impressive. Currently on 2020 GWV, with mixed reviews. Definitely take South America out of the mix for ’22. Overall, not a great experience, and one horrible event in Belem – I have no idea why a cruise line would use such a dirty, trashy place (I also got attacked there).
Option 4 is my #1! I can’t take a yellow fever vaccination so any itinerary that spends a lot of time Brazil is out for me. Fortaleza would be okay. And it’s likely the only way we’d get to visit Antarctica.